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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency(NA). Neither the European Union nor NA can be held responsible for them.
About the partners
This project partnership idea was created on the eTwinning Platform. As the project founders, the schools in Poland and Turkey, we have been carrying out projects on the education of foreign languages in the eTwinning environment for two years. We also received National and European Quality Labels from these projects. We also found our partner from Italy on
the partner search page on the eTwinning platform and have been in touch for a year. We have communicated through Whatsapp and other social networks. We have chosen the issue of Environment and Climate Change, which is discussed a lot on the eTwinning platform every year, according to the results of the SWOT Survey we conducted for our students.
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