Did you know that the oldest tree in the world is a Norway spruce that is over 9,500 years old? Known as Old Tjikko, it is not a single tree but a clonal forest that grows from one root system. This incredible testament to the resilience of nature showcases its ability to survive for millennia!
Why Should We Plant Trees?

Trees play a crucial role in our ecosystem and have a significant impact on our quality of life. Here are several reasons why we should plant them:
1. They Clean the Air
Trees are natural air filters. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which is essential for life. A mature oak tree can provide enough oxygen for four people!
2. They Moderate the Climate
Trees help regulate the temperature in their surroundings. With their leaves and canopies, they can lower temperatures in urban areas by up to 5°C, which is especially important on hot days. Additionally, they increase humidity, contributing to overall comfort.
3. They Protect the Soil
Tree roots stabilize the soil, preventing erosion. Fallen leaves enrich the soil with organic matter, promoting its fertility.
4. They Increase Property Value
Trees around homes can increase their value by up to 15%. Properties with greenery are more attractive to buyers, making them a better investment.
5. They Improve Our Well-Being
Being around trees has a positive effect on our mental health. They reduce stress, enhance mood, and provide a sense of tranquility. Trees also mitigate noise and create a pleasant atmosphere.
Planting trees is not just an act of caring for the environment; it is also an investment in the future. Through trees, we can enjoy cleaner air, a better climate, and a more beautiful surroundings. Join the movement for greenery and plant a tree that will delight future generations!